Ruinart + Erwin Olaf


The exhibition “La Maison Ruinart”

Frédéric Dufour and
Erwin Olaf gathered in front of one of
26 photographs of the artist

For the last 120 years, Ruinart has collaborated with several artists
To share the vision of the House by reinterpreting its values and its history.
This year, the Dutch artist Erwin Olaf has been selected. The famous photographer highlighted the traces left by nature, men and the bottles in the cellars of Maison de Reims.
Hopscotch Luxe orchestrated 26 pictures of Erwin Olaf during an immersive exhibition at the heart of an outstanding party at Carousel du Louvre.
This party also aimed at creating a digital radiance with the official launch of a new hashtag #RuinartRendezVous.
The guests were also invited to leave their mark during the party. Sculptors could help them carve on a social wall from another era designed as a frieze made of chalk.

 Immersive Exhibition

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Mineral frieze where the guests are able to leave their mark and follow through the history of the House


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Modern times frieze


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Immersive Exhibition – The Artists’ oversized photos staged within an immersive journey


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Digital animations for the official launch of the new hashtag
